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Envision 2020 - Join the Humans I Trust Camp

Published on 10 Feb 2020 / In Music Festivals

Join the 'Humans I Trust VIP Camp' at Envision Festival 2020 using the link below.


We invite you to join our organisation that is in the employment of Mother Earth. Everything we will do together, every action we take is in service of co-creating a regenerative and happy Earth. The UN just announced, that we only have 12 years left until the environment and life as we know it drastically changes. We plan on doing everything in our power to change those metrics and give us more time on this Earth. Because the Earth will recover just fine, but we might not. Together let us build Trust and Harmony for a better future. Join us at:


and enroll in our University of of X-Men Superhumans:


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook:

And follow our Founder Virginia:

Buy your I Trust You shirt today and become an ambassador for change:

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